We often see this when a person gets married and their last name changes. Many organizations use email addresses as usernames, so when the email / username is updated to include the new last name the system creates a whole new profile for that user because it doesn’t see it in the Learning Manager.

If the duplicate profile has already been created you’ll need to “merge” the two profiles in the system. To begin, consider the following:

  1. If the user has not completed any training under the profile with the new username yet, you can simply swap out the usernames on the two profiles so that the new username resides on the old profile containing all of the assignments, transcript records, etc. This entails going to the profile with the new username first, altering the username to allow it to be used on the other profile (example: changing [email protected] to [email protected]_inactive) adding an End Date to the profile, and clicking Save. Then, you can go to the original profile containing all of the assignments, transcript records, etc., add the new username to it, and click Save.
  2. If the user has completed training under both profiles, you will need to deactivate one of the profiles and contact your relationship manager to merge the transcript records into the remaining active profile.

To avoid situations like this from happening going forward, we suggest doing one of the following:

  1. Manually update the profile’s Username field in the Learning Manager ahead of the upload to match the new username. The system only creates new profiles if it recognizes unique usernames, so updating it ahead of time will prevent this issue from occurring.
  2. Utilize the foreignsyskey field in the HRIS file to identify users. That way you’ll be able to update usernames without having to worry if the system will create a duplicate profile.