The custom fields allow you to add additional information to users’ profiles, which can later be selected in rules to assign training. Essentially, it’s a way for training administrators to group non-like users together. For example, perhaps there are a group of people from different departments that have no profile criteria in common, but they all attended a seminar they later need to be evaluated on. You could add a keyword under any of the custom fields on these users’ profiles (custom 0 – 9), and select that custom field out in a rule to assign that group training. This removes the burden of manually assigning each user training, or manually adding users’ names one-by-one to a rule. Training administrators can add multiple keywords to the same custom field, so customization under these fields are limitless. If at any point you need to review which users have what custom fields, you can run the User Data Report and pull the custom fields into the results via the Field Chooser.