Why am I getting an error message trying to add a manager (or alternate manager) to a user’s profile?

You can expect to receive an error message saving profiles where the manager (or alternate manager) added doesn’t align with the current structure of the manager hierarchy in the Learning Manager. Take the following example:

Person 1 is the manager on Person 2’s profile > Person 2 is the manager on Person 3’s profile > Person 3 is the manager on Person 4’s profile

Given this scenario, if you were to try to add Person 4 as the manager (or alt. manager) on Person 2’s profile for example, the Learning Manager would produce an error message when you went to save the profile. Simply put, users that fall lower on the manager hierarchy at your organization cannot be listed as managers to users that fall higher in the manager hierarchy.

Tip: to see how your organization’s manager hierarchy is set up in the Learning Manager, you can run the Management Hierarchy Report.

By |2023-01-10T20:52:42+00:00January 10th, 2023||0 Comments

The system is telling me the user already exists when creating a new profile.

If you encounter an error telling you the profile already exists in the LMS, the problem is that the username isn’t unique enough. This is caused when:

  1. Another domain is using that username – usernames must be unique across BAI’s entire platform, so simpler usernames (example: “TJohnson”) may already be in use. We advise using email addresses as they are always unique and easy to remember for users.
  2. The username is that of a another user at your organization (possibly deactivated) – To check if this is the case, click the Advanced Search link under the People tab in Administration, enter the username in the advanced search form, and click Search at the bottom of the form. The advanced search feature searches for both active and inactive profiles in your domain. If a profile populates in the results section, verify whether it’s the user you’re trying to add, or if it’s a different person that happened to have the same username as the user you’re trying to add. Then, either reactivate that profile, or edit the username on the profile (example: adding “_inactive” to the end of the username) to free up that username for the new profile you’d like to create.
By |2021-04-08T21:52:51+00:00August 12th, 2020||Comments Off on The system is telling me the user already exists when creating a new profile.

What are the custom fields on users’ profiles used for?

The custom fields allow you to add additional information to users’ profiles, which can later be selected in rules to assign training. Essentially, it’s a way for training administrators to group non-like users together. For example, perhaps there are a group of people from different departments that have no profile criteria in common, but they all attended a seminar they later need to be evaluated on. You could add a keyword under any of the custom fields on these users’ profiles (custom 0 – 9), and select that custom field out in a rule to assign that group training. This removes the burden of manually assigning each user training, or manually adding users’ names one-by-one to a rule. Training administrators can add multiple keywords to the same custom field, so customization under these fields are limitless. If at any point you need to review which users have what custom fields, you can run the User Data Report and pull the custom fields into the results via the Field Chooser.

By |2020-08-10T15:38:11+00:00August 10th, 2020||Comments Off on What are the custom fields on users’ profiles used for?

Why are some users reaching course retake limits prematurely?

It’s possible attempts from a prior year are counting against users. This can happen if the retake limit for the course (or the portal default) is set to “Rolling,” with X attempts every X days. A “Rolling” retake limit continually looks back X days to see if the number of attempts allocated is exceeded or not (example: 3 attempts every 365 days). This means last years attempts could be counting against them. The preferred retake limit option is “Annual” as it allows users a certain amount of attempts starting on a specific day of the year. Attempts then automatically reset on that date each year (example: 01/01). To view or edit your portal default retake limit, click under the Management tab in Administration, and select Settings.

By |2021-04-08T21:40:07+00:00July 29th, 2020|, |Comments Off on Why are some users reaching course retake limits prematurely?

How can I change rule assignment due dates for certain people?

A common scenario we come across is that of new hires (or users promoted to a new role) being assigned training later in the year, and their courses are already showing up as past due for them. It’s important to note that rule assignments cannot be edited from the View Assignments window on users’ profiles. If the user requires a different due date than what’s in the rule, you can either:

  1. Waive the assignments in the View Assignments window by clicking “Remove” next to the course(s), OR go to the rule and add criteria to exclude the user from that rule altogether, AND
  2. Manually assign the course(s) back with new due dates (click the “Add new” link in the upper left corner of the View Assignments window), OR create a new rule specifically for this user with their unique due dates.
By |2020-07-29T13:58:02+00:00July 28th, 2020|, |Comments Off on How can I change rule assignment due dates for certain people?

The “save” button is greyed out when editing a profile.

First, make sure all required fields are filled out in the profile. If all required fields are filled out, the browser may be trying to auto populate either the Password or Confirm Password field. These fields are mandatory when setting up new profiles but should not be filled out when editing profiles unless the intent is to change the user’s password, in which case both fields must be filled out. By removing everything under these fields the Save button should re-appear.

By |2021-04-08T21:35:42+00:00July 28th, 2020||Comments Off on The “save” button is greyed out when editing a profile.

How do I assign training to a new user?

Assuming your organization uses rules to assigning training, review your list of existing rules, determine which ones they need training from, and make sure their profile criteria aligns with the criteria under the rule’s people group. Some organizations require names be manually added to the rule’s people group, while others prefer to use criteria like position or hire date to include users automatically in a rule. If / when the user’s name is listed in the “preview results” (indicating the people group was properly set up), click Save within the rule and check the user’s assignments within a few minutes to verify training has been assigned.

Tip: Rules process and pick up new users automatically overnight, and any time a training administrator clicks Save within a Rule. If you just created a profile today you may have missed the automatic processing schedule rules run on, in which case you can either click Save within the rule to trigger it to process, or wait until the next morning for courses to appear for the user.

By |2023-10-15T19:05:05+00:00July 28th, 2020|, , |Comments Off on How do I assign training to a new user?

When do people groups process?

People groups (more specifically, people groups created under the People tab in Administration) that are attached to active rules process any time the rule they are a part of processes. This ensures rules are always assigning training to an up-to-date people group.  People groups not attached to active rules do not process on their own, but can be manually processed by clicking the refresh icon next to the people group name under the People tab. Within a few minutes, the refresh will complete and provide you with an updated list of the member audience.

By |2020-07-29T20:08:41+00:00July 28th, 2020|, |Comments Off on When do people groups process?

My HRIS mistakenly created a duplicate user profile in the Learning Manager. How do I remove the duplicate, and keep one profile with the correct username, assignments, and transcript records?

We often see this when a person gets married and their last name changes. Many organizations use email addresses as usernames, so when the email / username is updated to include the new last name the system creates a whole new profile for that user because it doesn’t see it in the Learning Manager.

If the duplicate profile has already been created you’ll need to “merge” the two profiles in the system. To begin, consider the following:

  1. If the user has not completed any training under the profile with the new username yet, you can simply swap out the usernames on the two profiles so that the new username resides on the old profile containing all of the assignments, transcript records, etc. This entails going to the profile with the new username first, altering the username to allow it to be used on the other profile (example: changing [email protected] to [email protected]_inactive) adding an End Date to the profile, and clicking Save. Then, you can go to the original profile containing all of the assignments, transcript records, etc., add the new username to it, and click Save.
  2. If the user has completed training under both profiles, you will need to deactivate one of the profiles and contact your relationship manager to merge the transcript records into the remaining active profile.

To avoid situations like this from happening going forward, we suggest doing one of the following:

  1. Manually update the profile’s Username field in the Learning Manager ahead of the upload to match the new username. The system only creates new profiles if it recognizes unique usernames, so updating it ahead of time will prevent this issue from occurring.
  2. Utilize the foreignsyskey field in the HRIS file to identify users. That way you’ll be able to update usernames without having to worry if the system will create a duplicate profile.
By |2021-04-23T22:26:40+00:00July 28th, 2020||Comments Off on My HRIS mistakenly created a duplicate user profile in the Learning Manager. How do I remove the duplicate, and keep one profile with the correct username, assignments, and transcript records?
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