When a training administrator adds Session times to an ILT Offering, the times they are entering are that of their own timezone (i.e. whatever the desktop / laptops timezone is set to). The ILT enrollment notification sent to students however displays the timezone of the Location attached to the ILT Offering, so if the Location was created to use a timezone different than that of the TA, students might see enrollment times in a different timezone. That being said, when students open the attachment on the enrollment notification to add the event to their calendar, the timezone adjusts to the timezone of the user’s desktop.

Example scenario: Training administrator lives in CST and adds a session time for 5pm – 6pm CST, the Location attached to the Offering uses EST, the students live in CST.

Result: Students will be sent an enrollment notification that says 6pm – 7pm EST. However, when opening the calendar attachment it will adjust to the student’s timezone and offer to add an event for 5pm – 6pm CST to their calendar. .