When uploading a new document under the Management tab in Administration, or directly within a course, the file name must not be more than 200 characters, and the file size no bigger than 150mb.

Accepted Files:

Text: txt, htm, html
Word: doc, docx, dot
PowerPoint: ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx
Adobe: PDF
Excel: csv, xls, xlxs
Audio: wma, m4a, MP3, wav
Image: bmp, gif, jpeg, png, tiff, tif
Video: wmv, .mov, avi, mp4, flv, swf, rm, camv, m4v, m2v, qt, mpg, mpeg, mp2, au, rpm, ram, ra, asf
URL: HTTP, HTTPS (must not contain spaces or % signs, must be a webpage and not a file path)