Assignment notifications are sent out once each morning between 6am – 10am CST, after the automatic rule processing schedule completes. They include assignment changes made the day prior (new manually assigned courses, or course additions to rules), and assignments from rules with start dates of the current day. If assignment notifications have not gone out by 10am CST, either:

  1. The rule was not set up correctly (check the People tab in the rule, click “Preview Results” to ensure users are being pulled in)*,
  2. Users do not have the Email Address field filled out on their profiles,
  3. Our emails are being sent to your spam filter (whitelist “” to ensure this doesn’t happen),
  4. The assignment notification is not enabled for your organization (this is less likely as assignment notifications are enabled by default, a TA at your organization would have had to request it be turned off), or
  5. Our emails are delayed (it is rare for assignment notifications not to be sent out before 10am CST, but if it does occur, they are usually always still sent out, just at a later time the same day).

* If you notice your rule’s people group was not set up right, you can make corrections to the rule and click save. Rules process automatically overnight, and any time you click save within a rule (wait 2-5 min for the process to complete). Users will then receive training momentarily, but the official assignment notification will be sent out the next morning.